Magisstar Centre of Influence is an Inclusive Social Impact Company that builds initiatives, that faciltate people to strategically exploit their available resources and potential, to address their challenges, shine and share their value The company facilitates people to not only see their riches but also to strategically exploit them Our initiatives fall under three categories: 1. agro processing and agri value addition initiatives that avail trusty nutritious healthy food products and economic empowerment to the bottom of the pyramid (BoP) 2. S-Eye and Youth empowerment initiaves 3. Inclusive value based education, Research and Development To enhance sustainability and scalability, all Magisstar Centre of Influence initiaves are carried out in a 'business sense' Administration wise, Magisstar Centre of Influence Ltd is organised in three Divisions: 1. Education & Technology Division (ETD) :-> Magisstar School :-> CEPOA (Continuing Education Program Opportunity for All) :-> Magisstar Institute of Reseach & Development 2. Talent & People Development Division (TPD) :-> S-EyE Initiatives :-> S-EyE Centres :-> Shine & Share Youth empowerment initiatives 3 Food & Economic Empowerment Division (FEED) :-> The AgrePlus :-> Jireh Food Bank :-> Kindred Fund The company utilizes two major strategies: Faciliatting people to SEE & Facilitating people to give (to package and provide their value) 1. Facilitating people to SEE Facilitating people to see their riches and to Sharpen and Exploit their God given Edge. An edge may refer to but is not limited to: available strategic resources within an area, individual strengths (top on your ability spectra), opportunities, endowments and other available or potentially available resources To Exploit means to make full use of and obtain maximum benefits from something Magis in Magisstar is a latin word meaning more or greaterWe do more for God's glory - and facilitate you too to do more and greater! Magisstar Centre of Influence illuminates your world, revealing your riches/endowments and facilitating you to exploit them to address your challenges, shine and share your value Among the greatest impediments to SEEing are: Poverty, Food scarcity and lack of a platform to facilitate it Fortunately, SEEing (Sharpening and Exploiting our Endowments) can address these impediments 2. Facilitates people to GIVE (to package and provide their value) As a centre of influence, Magisstar operates at the centre of two important groups of people in our society: The well to do members of our society and those living at the base of the pyramid (BoP) The company facilitates each of the groups to give the best and thus receive the best For instance, through our TAP - The AgrePlus initiative, we facilitate villagers (farmers) to exploit their eco crops (crops that naturally do well in an area without requiring much inputs), to produce trusty, nutritious, healthy food products, for sale and consumption among themselves and among the well to do members of the society The program then facilitates distribution and sale of the value added products to all and especially to the well to do members of the society The resulting situation is like what is captured in our Magisstar Anthem: ... "with each one sharing their value with love and joy"... We operate on the principle of giving - giving the best We believe the words -> Give the Best and the Best will be Given
Magisstar Centre of Influence Magisstar is who and what we are :-> The star that makes you shine by revealing your riches and guiding you to strategically exploit them to address your challenges, shine and share your value Centre is where we operate :-> at the centre of those living at the bottom of the pyramid (BOP) and the well to do members of the society; also at the centre of the rural and the urban areas Influence is how we do it :-> influencing or facilitating each to give the best and consequently receive the best. We facilitate each to package and provide their value ... "with each one sharing their value with love and joy"...
A world where each one has an accessible opportunity to sharpen and exploit their God given edge; to be the best God created them to be, to shine and to make their valuable contribution
.... each one sharing their value with love and joy ... Our mission is to spread the love and the justice of God by building and availing initiatives that facilitate people to sharpen and strategically exploit their God given edge; -> to address their challenges, shine and share their value -> to be the best God created them to be, shine and make their valuable contribution -> to effectively serve the purposes of God for their lives Soli Deo Gloria Our vision is to be a global and generational inclusive company, facilitating people to SEE - to see their riches and to strategically exploit their God given edge Our Motto is To Shine and Share our Value ... with love and joy
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How we sometimes do it
Our Initiatives
1. Magisstar Education and Technology Platform (MET-P) > Equipping people with Skills, Values and positive Mindset > Building products and programs that address local and global challenges > Facilitating people to sharpen and exploit their God given edge Comprising: i. Magisstar School -> that provides transformational, value based and solution centred education and training, alongside a suitable food and economic empowerment (FEE) strategy Magisstar School facilitates learners to: => Correctly identify, grow and optimally utilize their individual strengths, gifts and talents => Acquire and live by cherished values in life => Cultivate an ongoing relationship with God, who will guide, bless and make one’s labour to be fruitful ii. CEP-OA (Continuing Education Program Opportunity for All) -> providing a second chance to the out of school youths and adults to continue with their education to their desired level. iii. Magisstar Institute of Research & Development -> an upcoming institute with the aim of building solutions and champions as well as puting knowledge and skills into practical application Building solutions and the champions to spread the solutions 2. Sharpen and Exploit your Edge (S-EyE) - A versatile platform that facilitate people to SEE - to Sharpen and Exploit their God given Edge; to address their challenges, shine and share their value Featuring: S-EyE Kenya - Focussing mostly on villages or group of villages and regions S-EyE Centres - Providing Complementary training; IAPP (Ideas to Action and to Profit and Purpose); Talent management; ONE-P (building solutions to problems that affect the society; Cordinating S-EyE initiatives in the community S-EyE Programs - Facilitating people to SEE - to see their riches and to Strategically Exploit their God given Ege 3. FEED - A platform for Food and Economic Empowerement It Comprises: i. The AgrePlus(TAP) - That initiates, designs and builds sustainable and scalable eco-based food and economic empowerment initiatives that avail trusty, nutritious healthy food products and economic empowerment to the bottom of the pyramid -> Notably agro processing and agri value addition initiatives ii. Jireh Food Bank The Jireh Food Bank inititive faciitates optimisation of food production during favourable conditions, preservation and optimal utilization (consumption and sale) iii. Kindred Fund - Among our oldest initiaves, the Kindred Fund (Because we are a family), provides financial Support to Magisstar initiaves _______________